Start a Chapter

Interested in starting a chapter? You’re on the right page! Scroll down to explore what you could do to take your first step.

What Exactly is a Chapter?

A "chapter" is a branch of the TLS Project that consists of a group of musicians that volunteer their time to offer informative yet engaging sessions, which include a variety of lessons and entertaining performances for classical music appreciation.

“Why Should I Start a Chapter?”

There are many benefits of starting a chapter. Here are some listed below:

  1. Expose underprivileged children to the beauties of classical music and educate them about the complexity of classical music.

  2. Assist children’s growth through helping them learn or listen to classical music, which strengthens the brain by learning grit and self-discipline through a passion.

  3. Meet new people and get to know your community better.

  4. Have the opportunity to exercise leadership skills through management and collaboration with your team.

  5. Earn community service hours and qualify for community service awards.

Steps of Creating A Chapter

  • 1. Fill out the application form (linked at the bottom of this page)

    2. An email will be sent out for an interview with our founders

    3. Apply for your chapter to be a school club (school club chapters only)

    4. Appoint your chapter's officers (chapter leader/co-chapter leaders, communications director, financial director)

    5. Create forms needed to send out to schools/community centers for sessions and keep track of budget

    6. Recruit chapter members

    7. Host meetings to plan out goals for your chapter (requirement 3+ sessions per year)

    8. Draft out session/fundraiser ideas and performance pieces (using presentation outlines given)

  • 1. Develop a message of recruitment

    2. Reach out to as many people as you can (i.e. friends, classmates, etc.) with the message

    3. Create flyers or graphics to post around your community or on social media

    4. Ask adults for guidance if needed.

    5. Share the TLS instagram and website with people that might be interested!

  • 1. Send out emails with flyers to elementary schools, homeless shelters, etc.

    2. Advertise the interest of hosting sessions for underprivileged children through social media, school newsletters/yearbooks, local newspapers, magazines, radio stations, etc.

    3. (school clubs only) Utilize club fairs to promote and gather interest.

    4. Organize bake sales or other events to fundraise and gather interest

    5. Share the TLS instagram and website with organizations that might be interested in having a session hosted!

Make a difference. Start a chapter today.